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What is

Going Global?

Going Global Workshop


A residential opportunity to explore our personal and collective creative potential for acting globally




If the time comes… when our culture tires of endless homicidal feuds, despairs of the use of force and war as a means of bringing peace, discontent with the half lives that it’s members are living, only then will our culture seriously look for alternatives... When that time comes they will not find a void...They will find that there are ways of being that do not involve power over persons and groups. They will discover that harmonious community can be built on the basis of mutual respect and enhanced personal growth.


–    Carl Rogers, A Way of Being

We believe that time is now.


We invite you to join us in a gathering of open-minded people interested in creat­ing a more compassionate, creative future by learning to engage the challenges of dizzying change and find a personally and socially constructive way forward.


Each of us has been intimately involved with the exhilarating process of facilitating in temporary, international, person-centered communities. We have learned first hand that this approach in its original form remains radical. It challenges the prevailing political, authoritarian system that we have introjected. It questions all the tried-and-not-true, worn-out policies of power and control.


The carefully structured, undirected process will foster the personal and social impact of a person-centered climate, enhance partici­pants’ capacity to suspend established ways of seeing, and strengthen the courage and wisdom to generate undiscovered solutions to our runaway global crises.

The ‘Freedom to Learn’ (Rogers, 1969) takes precedence. The group will engage the depth of learning, wisdom, and personal empowerment without reliance on expert guidance. We believe that such an endeavor can nurture the seeds of enhanced human possibility and profound social change.


The community will serve as a learning laboratory where aspects of our own use of power and control, as well as our personal, global and spiritual concerns arise from the unpredictable turn of events rather than from imposed agendas.

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